Platform Fighter ‘Brawlhalla’ Heads For Xbox One And Nintendo Switch In November

Brawlhalla, a free-to-play platform fighter from Ubisoft, is heading to Xbox One and Nintendo Switch on November 6 via Ubisoft and Blue Mammoth Games. 

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The title has already amassed over 15 million players on PC and PlayStation 4, so the safe bet is it should also thrive on the Xbox One and Nintendo Switch.

Created by Odin, Valhalla serves as a haven for the greatest warriors of the universe. With Brawhalla, the Valkyries have brought in pirates, Mongol warriors, Amazons, and even aliens and monsters to roam their environment. Players, in either single-player or co-op modes, have the ability to choose from over 40 characters and fight for the sweet taste of victory. The third annual Brawlhalla World Championship takes place November 16-18 at Dreamhack Atlanta.

Though I haven’t played Brawlhalla, I do appreciate its goal to remain a true free to play title with no hidden fees, pay walls, or pay to win aspects in their game (as they say on their site, “and it’s going to stay that way forever”). Forever’s a long time, but considering I’m four years and counting on Boom Beach, that sort of promise is enticing. 

If you have played Brawlhalla, I would love to hear your thoughts on the game! I’ll definitely be checking it out on Xbox One on November 6 (as I’m still collecting my pennies for a Switch).