SXSW Reviews: ‘Le Choc Du Futur’ and ‘Cat In The Wall’

I continue diving into the SXSW 2020 Collection, currently hosted on Amazon Prime. In this review I cover two features and one short.

Le Choc Du Futur, directed by Marc Collin, centers on a day-in-the-life of struggling composer, Ana (Alma Jodorowsky). Ana is fighting to share her vision of a new type of electronic music, amid the stale rock and roll landscape of Paris in 1978. 

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Cat In The Wall, directed by Vasela Kasakova and Mina Mileva, delves into the lives of transplanted Bulgarians in London. Irina (Irina Atanasova) and her son and brother are struggling to survive the gentrification of her neighborhood as well as rising tension with her neighbors. The introduction of a stray cat leads to both joy and conflict. 

Affurmative Action, directed by Travis Wood, is a short film illuminating the humorous, and maddening, trend of pets appearing on executive teams before African Americans. 
For a full list of my movie reviews go here.

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