‘American Masters’ Spotlights Harper Lee With Updated Documentary

In anticipation of the July 14 release of Harper Lee’s book Go Set A Watchmen, American Masterwill present an updated version of the 2012 documentary Harper Lee: Hey BooMary McDonagh Murphy, the project’s Emmy winning director and author of Scout, Atticus & Boo: A Celebration of To Kill A Mockingbirdread an advance copy of Go Set A Watchmen and will live tweet (#HarperLeePBS) during the documentary’s broadcast (PBS, July 10, 9-10:30 pm, check local listings).

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Author of To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee, in a local coutrhouse while visting her home town.  HEY BOO, a film by Mary Murphy. Photo by Donald Uhrbrock/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)
Author of To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee, in a local coutrhouse while visting her home town. HEY BOO, a film by Mary Murphy. Photo by Donald Uhrbrock/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images)

Go Set a Watchman was written before To Kill a Mockingbird and believed to be lost or destroyed. Its remarkable discovery allows readers of Lee’s beloved classic the chance to see Atticus and Scout again. How and why this happened is a mystery we unravel in the new version of the documentary,” said Murphy.

Along with the documentary, the PBS flagship station Thirteen (they produce American Masters), will launch the event “Thirteen Days of Harper Lee” (July 5 – July 17). For a breakdown of the specials that constitute the celebration, please go to thirteen.org/americanmasters.

Go Set A Watchman comes out July 14 via HarperCollins.