Piper Hays Would “Love To Change The World” With New Video And ‘Vagablonde’

Piper Hays. Photo CR: Maddy Tucker
Taking on Ten Years After’s seminal, guitar driven hit “I’d Love To Change The World” takes stones, especially if you’re a novice singer/songwriter. Piper Hays, who releases her debut album Vagablonde on March 8, did just that in her new music video. 

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HAPPY RELEASE DAY ✨*youtube link in my bio* • • I’d like this song to serve as an anthem for these chaotic times we are living in. • All over the world people are faced with the question, “What can I do to make a difference” and I hope that this video proves that no matter how big or small, WE can make a change. • I’ve included a lot of my personal heroes and people whom I feel have made a difference in the world or created some sort of ripple. (how many of them can you recognize?) Most, if not all, of the people included were just ordinary people with fire in their bellies and the urge to go against the grain. The results of their strength have proved that those with the faith of a mustard seed can move mountains. • We all CAN change the world, even if that means just changing your own world for now. So be the change you’d like to see in the world… for now, I’ll leave it up to you. ✌??????✨• • • • #piperhays #vagablonde #idlovetochangetheworld #musicvideo #tenyearsafter #debutsingle #astrosoul #blues #funk #folk #rock #bethechange #makethatchange #creativeactivism #singersongwriter #cover #worldchanger #wethepeople #cometogether #musician #femalesinger #raspyvoice #messyblondehair #chippednails #soulfulsong

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Raised in Los Angeles, Piper Hays collaborated with Grammy winning producer/engineer Matt Ross-Spring (Jason Isbell, Margo Price) on the 11-track album Vagablonde. Recorded at the Sam Phillips Recording Studio in Memphis, Tennessee, the collection mixes Hays’ soulful voice, songwriting skills, and her lifelong love for blues and rock.

Her cover of “I’d Love To Change The World” is a refreshing, slow burn take on the song, as doing a note by note cover would, at least in this writer’s opinion be a waste of time. “I feel like this song is the anthem for these chaotic times, said Hays. “Everyone keeps talking about how they want to change the world, but nobody knows exactly what to do. So I thought, ‘What can I do? I can sing this song and create a video that hopefully inspires and shows people how to stand up and do something positive.”

I’m also excited to see what Hays has to offer after checking out the song “Need to Be,” which features an unadorned Hays strumming her guitar, slyly referencing Bob Dylan, but more importantly showing her vulnerability and music chops.


Hays and her band will perform songs from the album over at The Mint in Los Angeles on Tuesday, January 29. For ticket details go The Mint’s official site. Other future performing dates include a February 8th stop at The Study and an album release show at the State Social House (on March 8).