‘Get Out’ Blu-Ray Giveaway From Deepest Dream

Get Out
I just finished “Get Out” this afternoon (such a great film!), and want to offer up my Blu-ray review copy of the film as well as a few extra movie items that were given out during the “Garden Party” hosted by Universal Pictures to promote its May 23rd Blu-ray release! Giveaway details are below!!Get Out“Get Out” Giveaway Rules:
  1. Please “Like” Deepest Dream on Facebook: Facebook.com/deepestdream.
  2. The winner will be randomly drawn, so if you want to get your name thrown into the “hat” two more times, please like Facebook.com/findyourseen and Facebook.com/thecinemaddicts. “Liking” these two Facebook pages is strictly optional (the key is that you “like” my Deepest Dream Facebook Page).
  3. If you’ve already liked all three FB pages from previous contests – your work is done!
  4. Please email me at [email protected] to confirm your Get Out Blu-ray & extra memorabilia entry. U.S. entrants only!! Also please inform me how many of my Facebook pages you have liked and I will add your name into the Giveaway hat the appropriate number of times (For Example, if “Joe Smith” is a member of my Deepest Dream and Find Your Seen Pages, his name is entered Twice into the Get Out Giveaway/Drawing).
  5. Contest ends Sunday, May 21st at 11:59 pm pt.  I will announce the winner on the Deepest Dream Facebook page and obtain the address info to send the package!!

Sorry for the shaky cam re: Giveaway video!!

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Good luck!!

The Universal Studios Home Entertainment “Get Out” Garden Party was a blast. Here’s a few pictures from the event:

Surprised They Let me In!! Glad they did…
Get Out
Tea is usually good for for you – not this time ’round.
Get Out
Won’t pair these two items again after watching the flick!

***Get Out hits Blu-ray May 23rd via Universal Studios Home Entertainment.