Find Your Film 115: ‘Top Gun: Maverick,’ ‘The Innocents,’ ‘Our Father,’ ‘Pleasure’

The Michael Mann classic "Thief" is also reviewed on our podcast by Bruce Purkey!


It’s episode 115 of Find Your Film, and for this podcast I actually went to a screening of Top Gun: Maverick! I review the highly anticipated sequel and hosts Bruce Purkey and Eric Holmes cover the new features Our Father, Pleasure, and The Innocents!

Tom Cruise plays Capt. Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in Top Gun: Maverick from Paramount Pictures, Skydance and Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

Directed by Joseph Kosinski (Only The Brave), Top Gun: Maverick has Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) teaching a group of top Naval aviators (Monica Barbaro, Glen Powell, Danny Ramirez, Lewis Pullman) how to excel at their respective job. They have several weeks to train for a dangerous mission where their survival may not be in the cards.

Complicating matters is Rooster (Miles Teller), the son of Maverick’s late best friend Goose. The pair are estranged, and now Maverick has to figure out a way to keep their personal issues aside and focus on the mission. Jennifer Connelly, Val Kilmer (returning as Iceman), and Ed Harris round out the cast.

Check out my review of Top Gun: Maverick below:

Top Gun: Maverick is reviewed at the 46:27 mark of Find Your Film:

“Our Father” – Netflix

Now streaming on Netflix, the documentary Our Father centers on one of the biggest cases of fertility fraud enacted by Dr. Donald Cline. The investigation began after Jacoba Ballard, who was conceived via donor sperm, took an at-home DNA test and discovered she had seven half-siblings. Bruce and Erick’s Our Father review begins at the 14:24 mark:

Rakel Lenora Fløttum as Ida and Sam Ashraf as Ben in Eskil Vogt’s THE INNOCENTS. Courtesy of IFC Midnight. An IFC Midnight release.

Directed and penned by Eskil Vogt, The Innocents centers on four children who play together during a Nordic summer. Each of the kids discover they have supernatural powers. What begins as a series of playful encounters turns into something much more dark and sinister. All three of us enjoyed the feature, with Bruce and Eric giving this moody and uncompromising thriller 4.5 stars (I gave it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️).

Rakel Lenora Fløttum as Ida in Eskil Vogt’s THE INNOCENTS. Courtesy of IFC Midnight. An IFC Midnight release.

This feature is a slow burn that went in several interesting directions. I was actually surprised with the ending and the overall fate of the four kids!!

The child actors (Rakel Leonora Fløttum, Alva Brynsmo Ramstad, MIna Yasmin Bremseth Asheim, Sam Ashraf) deliver terrific performances.The Innocents hits theaters and VOD on May 13.

Listen to our review of The Innocents at 37:30:

Sofia Kappel – Pleasure (NEON)

Writer/director Ninja Thyberg’s Pleasure centers on Bella (Sofia Kappel), a 19-year-old who travels from Sweden to Los Angeles in hopes of becoming the next big porn star. There are many facets of Pleasure that I loved, and one of its strongest facets lies in Kappel’s memorable performances and the solid work from the supporting cast (most notably Zelda Morrison as Bella’s loyal colleague Joy). Most of the actors porn industry veterans, which ultimately enhances Pleasure’s authenticity.

Eric Holmes absolutely loved Pleasure, giving it ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. I gave Pleasure 4.5/5 and Bruce rated it 4/5. Basically, all of us highly recommend Pleasure which hits theaters Friday, May 13.

Our Pleasure review begins at 21:57:

Last but not least, Bruce Purkey reviews the Michael Mann feature Thief to close out the episode (at 68:09). If you have never seen that iconic diner sequence between James Caan and Tuesday Weld, you are missing out:

Thief is available on various streaming outlets (Bruce saw it on Prime Video), and it also is available as part of the Criterion Collection:

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