Exclusive: Alex Essoe On ‘Starry Eyes’ & Acting’s Seductive Grip



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With Starry Eyes, Alex Essoe delivers one of this year’s most horrifying (and inspired) performances as Sarah Walker, a struggling actress who will do anything to land a sizable movie role.

Working at a dead-end, Hooters style restaurant, Sarah dreams of making it big in Hollywood, and when she gets a callback from a once prestigious production company, she may have landed a big break. Unfortunately, getting the job will require a total physical and emotional transformation for Sarah, and sometimes the bright lights of showbiz will blind the brightest of dreamers. Pat Healy (The Inkeepers) and Amanda Fuller (TV’s Last Man Standing) also star.

Alex Essoe, Starry Eyes (MPI Media Group)
Alex Essoe, Starry Eyes (MPI Media Group)

“(Sarah) doesn’t love herself enough to create boundaries,” said Essoe during our interview. “She’s looking for the industry to define her instead of already knowing who she is and telling the industry who she is.

In the video clip below Alex Essoe talks about the challenge of building her Starry Eyes character and why judging Sarah would have been a disservice to the narrative.

Starry Eyes, directed by Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Widmyer, opens in theaters, OnDemand, and iTunes on November 14.

StarryEyesPoster (Facebook)