‘Crazy Bitches 2: Mommies Behaving Badly’ Goes Indiegogo Route



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I really enjoyed the indie horror film Crazy Bitches, as the flick was a deft blend of humor and scares. Director/writer Jane Clark is going the crowd funding route with her latest film Crazy Bitches 2: Mommies Behaving Badly, and more information is available after the jump.

Clark is set for preproduction on the film starting January 3rd, 2017.  Along with the money raised from the Indiegogo campaign, she’s also generating founds through various sponsors. If you haven’t seen Clark’s work, check out the Crazy Bitches official website for a sampling of her storytelling flair. I also interviewed Clark while she promoted Crazy Bitches, and her candid talk about the joys and challenges of filmmaking is found here.

If all goes as planned, Crazy Bitches 2: Mommies Behaving Badly will be released in November 17th. The official Indiegogo link for Crazy Bitches 2 is here.

I also dug Clark’s tongue-in-cheek video to promote her campaign:

The top perk of the campaign (priced at $5,000) will give the contributor a speaking part in the film along with two tickets to the premiere. The perk is available for two spots, so if you want your name in lights (aka imdb.com), all you need is a little dough!!