Director Bao Tran “Aims For The Stars” With ‘The Paper Tigers’ Experience


If you’re looking for a martial arts comedy with a twist, The Paper Tigers should be your destination. Directed and penned by Bao Tran, the feature has a ton of heart and an engaging narrative. Tran talked to Deepest Dream about why he aimed for the stars with The Paper Tigers.

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The Paper Tigers centers on three martial artists (Alain Uy, Ron Yuan, Mykel Shannon Jenkins) who reunite after their Sifu’s (Roger Yuan) death. Once joined at the hip, these friends are now estranged, but losing their mentor is a game changer.

Against all odds, these middle-aged men search out their teacher’s killer and hope to find a bit of redemption (and payback) in the process.

As a fellow middle-aged man, I remember when Asian-American movies were a rare breed. The bottom line is The Paper Tigers works as first rate entertainment fare, but it’s also refreshing to see Asian American filmmaker Bao Tran behind the camera.

“The Paper Tigers” filmmaker Bao Tran and crew BTS.

Check out our interview as Tran elaborates on his creative approach to The Paper Tigers and continuing to “fight the fight” as a storyteller.

Now out in theaters and available on Digital, The Paper Tigers also stars The Karate Kid Part II’s Yuji Okumoto (he also is one of the film’s producers).

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