7 Facts To Know From “Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter”

"In 2001, a story circulated online about a Japanese woman who left her Tokyo home for the frozen countryside of Minnesota, in search of the fictional buried money from the movie Fargo. It immediately captured our attention, the mysterious and vague details intriguing us all the more." - Filmmaker's Statement
“Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter” (CR: Sean Porter)
If you love movies that are filled with eye-catching visuals, a sublime music score, and an inspired lead performance, Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter checks off all these boxes. Directed by David Zellner and starring Pacific Rim actress Rinko Kikuchithe movie makes its Blu-ray debut today.

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For a Blu-ray review of Kumiko, The Treasure Hunterplease check out my post on Hollywood Outbreak. Here are 7 things I learned about Kumiko, The Treasure Huntera film that I enjoyed on a much deeper level during a second viewing.

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Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter is also blessed with a mesmerizing and haunting score created by The Octopus Project. In the Blu-ray audio commentary, David Zellner talks about his collaboration with the group:

“They have a similar sensibility, they’re big cinephiles, and we have the same taste in music and film, and then being friends for so long we have a shorthand with what we were going for tonally. It’s a lot of fun collaborating with them. It’s not like some processes where you finish a film and then hand it over and someone puts a score on it. We like it where we are constructing the film the same time they are doing the compositions. Sometimes things go into a place where we intended and sometimes you find a new and interesting places as you go along. But yeah – they are fantastic.”