“Tulpa” Offers Nightmarish Beauty from Rising Star Games


Rising Star Games previewed several of their upcoming titles last week in Hollywood, and one of the titles that instantly caught my eye was Tulpa.

Being a fan of dark, existential driven narratives, Tulpa is a point and click puzzle adventure which centers on two soulmates who drift through a nightmarish and surreal landscape. We were given a brief walkthrough of Tulpa, and one of the many alluring aspects of the title is that that certain puzzles are complete mind-benders, demanding that gamers fully immerse themselves within the organic inner workings of the environment.

Tulpa (Rising Star Games)
Tulpa (Rising Star Games)

Tulpa, which will be available on PC, Mac, and Linux, also has a strong visual sense, and though it is set within a Twilight Zone-esque type realm, it doesn’t ape the oft-copied, silhouette stylings of Limbo or Hero of Many. Instead, Tulpa travels within its own shadowed universe.

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Tulpa (Rising Star Games)
Tulpa (Rising Star Games)

Certain puzzles can only be solved by one of the inhabitants of the land, as each of their lovers have their own specified skill set. I’ll be playing the title in the coming days and give an update on the post. But for now, here’s the preview trailer for Tulpa, an eye-catching title that I’m hoping continues to build on its momentum.