Writer/director Geeta Malik and actress Sophia Ali collaborated on the engaging romantic/coming-of-age comedy India Sweets and Spices. The feature brings that rare combination of popcorn entertainment and storytelling value. Malik and Ali talked about their acclaimed feature which is now playing in theaters.

“It’s important to tell stories that matter,” said Geeta Malik on creating India Sweets And Spices. “And the story mattered to me.”
Alia (Sophia Ali) returns home to her upper middle class home in New Jersey for the summer. Her decision to spark a romance with Varun (Rish Shah) is frowned upon by her parents (Manisha Koirala, Adil Hussain) as well as the Indian community within their vicinity.
Most features would turn this class struggle into a harmless and guilty pleasure romantic comedy, but thankfully this narrative also delves into Alia’s growing realization of her parents’ relationship. Both Find Your Film co-host Bruce Purkey and I recommend India Sweets and Spices. In the video below, Purkey compares Ali to a young Audrey Hepburn!
Full review of India Sweets and Spices is features on our podcast:
Interview with Geeta Malik and Sophia Ali is up on my Deepest Dream YouTube Channel. Please subscribe for more exclusive interviews!
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