The new trailer for Digimon All-Star Rumble features the various playable Digimon and their Digivolved forms in the throes of conflict. Under the game’s Story Mode, players will discover the genesis behind the “Digimon Evolution Tournament” and uncover the secret agenda that has kept its wheels turning.

Each Digmon gets their own sequence under Story Mode, and at the end of each stage players will take on a rival that will try to knock them out of the tournament. The goal is to Digivolve, vanquish your opponents and become a tough as nails Digimon hero. The game is being featured at this year’s New York Comic Con (it runs October 9-12) and a Digimon giveaway is being hosted on Tumblr during the convention. For details, go to:
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Digimon All-Star Rumble (Bandai Namco Games, ESRB: E10+, $39.99) is slated for release November 11 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 consoles. To pre-order the game, please go to this link: