I love purchasing Blu-rays and DVDs to give to members of the CinemAddicts Facebook Group and CinemAddicts Facebook Page. I am making things a bit more organized, at least for this week, as I have three Blu-rays to give away. Details on how to win one of the three (Fast & Furious 6, The Sum of All Fears, Duplicity) is below!

All of these Blu-rays are Sealed and never opened by me. Duplicity, Fast & Furious 6, and The Sum of All Fears are the Blu-rays I am offering this week.
I will be also doing a couple of extra giveaways courtesy of WELL GO USA Entertainment – so stay tuned for those Blu-rays!!
GIVEAWAY Requirements:
- You must either be a member of: the CinemAddicts Facebook Group ( and or “like” the CinemAddicts Facebook Page (
- If you are a member of the Group and have liked the offical page, you will have two entries into all of my weekly giveaways moving forward.
- Once you fulfill one of those two requirements, please email me at [email protected] and with the subject headline “DUPLICITY Giveaway” and your entry will be confirmed. If you are a Group and Page member, make sure to note that in the email so I can enter you for 2 entries.
- This CinemAddicts giveaway ends Friday, April 1, 2022 at 6 pm pt. The Three random winners will be announced on our CinemAddicts Facebook page.
***Our latest CinemAddicts episode features an interview with Without Ward director Cory Cataldo and actor James Duval.
If you’re looking for a great movie to watch, give director Mattie Do’s feature The Long Walk a shot. Below is my interview with Mattie Do:
Support Deepest Dream and our podcasts (CinemAddicts, Find Your Film) by shopping on Amazon.