Blu-Ray Giveaway: ‘Fast & Furious 6,’ ‘Duplicity,’ ‘The Sum of All Fears’


I love purchasing Blu-rays and DVDs to give to members of the CinemAddicts Facebook Group and CinemAddicts Facebook Page. I am making things a bit more organized, at least for this week, as I have three Blu-rays to give away. Details on how to win one of the three (Fast & Furious 6, The Sum of All Fears, Duplicity) is below!

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All of these Blu-rays are Sealed and never opened by me. Duplicity, Fast & Furious 6, and The Sum of All Fears are the Blu-rays I am offering this week.

I will be also doing a couple of extra giveaways courtesy of WELL GO USA Entertainment – so stay tuned for those Blu-rays!!

GIVEAWAY Requirements:

  1. You must either be a member of: the CinemAddicts Facebook Group ( and or “like” the CinemAddicts Facebook Page (
  2. If you are a member of the Group and have liked the offical page, you will have two entries into all of my weekly giveaways moving forward.
  3. Once you fulfill one of those two requirements, please email me at [email protected] and with the subject headline “DUPLICITY Giveaway” and your entry will be confirmed. If you are a Group and Page member, make sure to note that in the email so I can enter you for 2 entries.
  4. This CinemAddicts giveaway ends Friday, April 1, 2022 at 6 pm pt. The Three random winners will be announced on our CinemAddicts Facebook page.

***Our latest CinemAddicts episode features an interview with Without Ward director Cory Cataldo and actor James Duval.

If you’re looking for a great movie to watch, give director Mattie Do’s feature The Long Walk a shot. Below is my interview with Mattie Do:

Support Deepest Dream and our podcasts (CinemAddicts, Find Your Film) by shopping on Amazon.