Big Brother, Week 13: Not So Fantastic Four



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When we last left the Big Brother house, Natalie was getting picked off and her summer-long showmance with James looked to be in a rather unstable state. A distraught James was left in the house with the knowledge that Natalie may have been perceived as throwing him under the bus. And it seemed like a final four pact between Corey, Nicole, Victor and Paul was intact. But as we know, appearances aren’t what they seem.

Even before last week’s eviction both sides began to plot how they could sway James to their side and make a game move rather than going with the status quo of their final four pact. The slip and slide competition delivered its fair share of hilarious moments and horrific falls along the way, but by the time all was said and done, Corey ended up winning the Head of Household.

Immediately, Corey and Nicole decamped to their room and began plotting their move to take out Victor, the competition beast, thus weakening Paul’s chances to get to the end as well. Pulling in James, they solidified their final three deal and left a somewhat surprised Victor and Paul on the block together. As Corey turned the keys, he revealed it was time to make a big game move and “Momma didn’t raise no bitch,” to which Paul retorted in the diary room that the comment was made without looking either of them in the eye.

A mopey Paul and Victor bemoan their situation, caused by once again trusting others in the household and not recognizing their own power within the game. Paul attempts to salvage the situation, and Victor feels betrayed saying that he thought their final four alliance was a thing. However, as we’ve seen, Victor and Paul had debated bringing James in to go up against Corey and Nicole as well. Victor vents about the situation and assures Corey and Nicole that he will be coming at them hard if he wins the Veto. Meanwhile, Paul stays quiet, letting the target grow bigger on Victor.

The Veto competition is the BB Comics Superhero challenge as the competitors zip line past a window where they must match the pairs. James moons over Natalie’s comic and ends up with the worst time. Victor bombs as well. Corey comes in at just over 20 minutes, but it’s Nicole and Paul with the two best times. In the end Nicole comes out on top. But now accepting his fate, Victor goes to hug Nicole and give her a kiss and let’s her know that he’s fine with it. As expected, Nicole keeps the nominations the same. James, Nicole and Corey discuss who they should get out, realizing both Paul and Victor would do well with those on the jury. They view Victor as the bigger physical threat, while Paul is the smarter player.

For his eviction speech, Paul roasts his remaining house guests in one of the more memorable speeches to date, throwing a few digs at Natalie for James, hinting at the “s” word for Nicole and kidding Corey about being a baseball player who can’t get to first base. As for Victor, he throws digs at Nicole, Corey and James about backstabbing him, and says that if they don’t evict him, he’ll win, but he does so in a somewhat good-natured way, before hugging Paul and calling him his brother. By a unanimous vote, Victor is voted out.

Before the show ends, we get the HoH competition, a game where they try to figure out what houseguests were saying that are bleeped out of a video. Nicole and Paul end up tied, but Paul comes closer to the final total number of seconds in the slip and slide competition. So which #friendship will Paul part with as we head to the final three? That remains to be seen, but there’s another episode tomorrow night.


Before that happens, let’s take a look at the rankings.

1. Paul – He’s the new head of household and holds the biggest shot at winning it all if he makes it to the final two. Winning the HoH was a big step, assuring himself a spot in the Final 3. The best possible scenario for Paul right now would be to eliminate Nicole, as she has ties to both Corey and James. And given her game moves throughout the season, she likely would be respected in the jury house as well. A final three with three individuals rather than a two-against-one situation bodes well for Paul.

2. James – With Paul the head of household and Corey and Nicole a clearly defined couple, it would make sense for James to at least see if a partnership with Paul is possible. Knowing that neither Corey nor Nicole would likely take him over the other, the odds are better if he aligns with Paul. However, James’ likability in the jury house might make him a tough person to bring along to the final two.

3. Corey – Regardless of who sits across from him, Corey would be the best option for any remaining opponent to bring to the final two. That’s based on the fact that he has done the least in the house in terms of big game moves. It took until the final week before he initiated a turn on an alliance. Most of the game moves made by Nicorey have been Nicole leading the way in most cases. He is arguably the biggest physical threat left, so he may end up in the final two depending on what the competitions are.

4. Nicole – One missed answer by Nicole may have been the difference between first place and fourth place for Nicole. Strategy-wise, it makes sense for Paul to get her out this week, but will he do that? If she somehow manages to escape the cut this week, watch out as she could very well win it all.