‘Beverly Hills Cop’ 3 Movie Collection, ‘Fatman,’ and ‘Synchronic’ Blu-ray Giveaway!

Latest giveaway are sealed Blu-rays of Beverly Hills Cop 3 Movie Collection, Fatman, and Synchronic. I purchased all these discs at Walmart. Details are below!!


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To enter my latest giveaway, where you get the chance to win one of these three Blu-rays (Beverly Hills Cop 3-Movie Collection, Fatman, Synchronic):

1. Subscribe to Deepest Dream YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeepestDreamDotCom
2. Subscribe to CinemAddicts YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CinemAddicts
3. Rate/Review Find Your Film On Apple Podcasts:
4. Rate/Review CinemAddicts On Apple Podcasts:
5. “Like” my Deepest Dream Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/deepestdream
6: “Like” my CinemAddicts Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thecinemaddicts

Check out our director’s spotlight on filmmaker Jacques Tourneur on the Find Your Film podcast. Movies covered include Out of the Past, Nightfall, Night of the Demon and Cat People!!

For our spoilers on Out of the Past, Nightfall, and Night of the Demon, take a listen below: 

Just a reminder, you only need to complete one out of the 6 entries to qualify! But the more steps you complete, the more entries you get! Once you are entered, please confirm your entries to [email protected]. Giveaway sends Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 4 pm pt. United States entrants only!

First winner gets Beverly Hills Cop 3 Movie Collection, second gets Fatman, third wins Synchronic!!

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