Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire, narrated by David Oyelowo (Selma) and directed by Trip Jennings, is a critically acclaimed documentary which enables viewers to gain a deeper understanding of wiildfire. CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes gave the documentary ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, and I will definitely be seeing this documentary this weekend. The project is currently out on TVOD/Digital and TVD’s in North America, the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. Check out the Trip Jennings interview in our post!
Interviewees featured on Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire include Dr. Beverly Law (Professor Emeritus, Global Change Biology, Oregon State University), Margo Robbins (Culture Fire Management Council), and Dr. Jack Cohen (Research Physical scientist US Forest Service – retired).
Trip Jennings he had a “huge responsibility” in delivering information and insight to viewers to come to their own conclusion regarding wildfires. “We did our due diligence to make sure our viewers can watch this piece,” said Jennings. “And I deeply believe this is the way the conversation around wildfire. I think in five years, Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire will be boring to watch because we will all know this.”
Listen to Eric Holmes’ review of Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire on the latest episode of CinemAddicts:
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire also educated Jennings, as his initial focus on the documentary changed during its production. Check out his full interview with Eric Holmes:
You can rent/purchase Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire on Google Play, Apple TV, and other digital retailers.
Check out David Oyelowo’s sentiments on taking part in Elemental: Reimagine Wildfire: