Need for Speed hits theaters March 14, and although it may initially be viewed as yet another movie trying to capitalize off a successful video game franchise, there’s a couple of huge reasons why I’ll plunk down what little money I have to catch this flick.
For one, it’s directed by stunt vet and Act of Valor filmmaker Scott Waugh, so at least the action behind Need for Speed should deliver the goods. Secondly, the cast (Aaron Paul, Imogen Poots, Rami Malek, Dominic Cooper, Scott Mescudi) each bring their own sense of believability to the screen.
Of the aforementioned actors, Mescudi, best known to music fans as Kid Cudi, is the least experienced, but if his passion for innovation and spontaneity (you can submit his hip hop/rock album Wzrd as evidence) should lend itself well to the silver screen.
Mescudi also contributed a song to Need for Speed. Click on the Soundcloud bar below to hear him talk about the process.
During a recent Need for Speed interview, Mescudi talked about how he’s contributing to the Need for Speeds Rivals videogame for an add-on feature. Click on the media bar below to hear Mescudi: