With Yesterday now playing in theaters, I wanted to share Retta’s (Good Girls) thoughts on screenwriter Richard Curtis. Video of Retta discussing Curtis, who penned Yesterday, is below!
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I asked Retta to name a favorite film, and she immediately responded with Love Actually. Instead of delving into that film, she recalled a chance meeting she had with Richard Curtis, and having been a fan of Love Actually, Four Weddings and a Funeral, and Notting Hill, meeting Curtis was definitely a memorable experience. “I just love, love, love his work,” said Retta.
Check out the video below as Retta elaborate on her love for Richard Curtis’ work:
Retta also mentioned that Curtis gifted her several frames from Four Weddings and a Funeral as a show of appreciation and friendship. Pretty cool gift from Curtis, and now I’m wondering if she also loved Yesterday (the Good Girls interview was conducted earlier this year).
Good Girls has been renewed for a third season. You can catch its first season Netflix and season two on NBC.