Executive produced by Ridley Scott and created by Aaron Guzikowski, Raised by Wolves centers on two androids (Abubakar Salim, Amanda Collin) who are tasked with raising human children on an unforgiving and mysterious planet. The pair talked about what makes Scott a unique filmmaker and how they were able to bond during the production.

Raised by Wolves features a partnership between show creator Aaron Guzikowski and Ridley Scott. Guzikowski’s layered screenplay Prisoners and his TV series The Red Road proves he is adept at world building. Scott, one of cinema’s most revered visualists, has been passionate about the relationships between androids and humans (Blade Runner, Alien, Prometheus, Alien: Covenant).
An integral element of Raised by Wolves’ storyline lies in the intricate relationshp between Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim). While Father seems to be a bit more open to exposing the children to humanity, Mother will do everything in her power to protect her children and shield them from the outside world. I’ve finished the first two episodes and so far it’s an immersive series that is definitely worth a watch.

Several years ago I interviewed Mark Strong (he starred in Robin Hood) and he talked about how Ridley Scott was exceptionallky detailed as a filmmaker. From your vantage point, what makes him a unique director (Scott directed the first two episodes)?
Amanda Collin: I think that’s very true. He has everything in his mind. Every frame. Every detail. He’s so precise and at the same time he’s totally ready to let go because when actors come in and do their thing, you can’t predict what happens.
I think that’s very unique and genius to have both the full control and the full freedom of just being open to whatever happens. And then he’s very nice.
Abubakar Salim: He’s a visionary. He’s a force in regards to that kind of craft. Mark was right in the sense that there is a real insane attention to detail but at the same time that isn’t forced on you. You’re just part of the process and I think that’s what was really great about working with him.
It was so freeing to sort of explore and play.
Amanda Collin: Just like fun little things pop up everywhere. I remember one day I was given this weird banjo thing and (he said) “Hey you’re playing this tomorrow.” I was like “Okay, some wooden instrument, yeah!” He makes stuff up all the time. He’s great.