Howie D Takes Center Stage With “Backstreet Boys” Documentary

Backstreet Boys: Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of is an obvious must watch if you’re a fan of the group, and it’s also worth your time if you’re a documentary enthusiast. Director Stephen Kijak had the singers revisiting each of their hometowns for some much needed bonding experience.


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What ensues is a closer look at the background of each of the members, as viewers are given an intense look at some of the scars (and triumphs) they’ve carried along the way.  According to Howie Dorough, It was also a much needed trip, as Kevin Richardson rejoined the band for their latest album In A World Like This:

This was the first time Kevin was back in the studio with us for almost seven years. This trip was crucial in reconnecting all of us. We went out there – we pushed the envelope. The last time we had done something like this (was when) we went to the Bahamas during the (making of) the  Black & Blue record. We weren’t anywhere near the same mind space where we’re at now.

As for Dorough, he has a pretty amusing (and if you have a weak stomach, digusting) remembrance of his family’s relationship with rabbits. On a more serious note, however, he also discusses stepping out of the shadows and taking a more active role as a lead singer of Backstreet Boys (this welcome turn of events is chronicled in the documentary).


To hear Howie Dorough, aka Howie D, discuss how his participation on Backstreet Boys has evolved throughout the years, click on the Soundcloud Audio below: 

Backstreet Boys: Show ‘Em What You’re Made Of is now playing in theaters and is also available on VOD and iTunes.