Find Your Film Review: Deliciously Evil ‘I Care A Lot’ Tops This Week’s Recommendations


This is our 50th episode of Find Your Film, and it’s hard to cite a film that entertained us as much as I Care A Lot. Co-host Bruce Purkey calls the movie “deliciously evil,” Eric Holmes says the flick appealed to his “lizard brain,” and I simply loved it. Show breakdown of our podcast as well as I Care Lot details are below!

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I Care A Lot: Rosamund Pike as “Martha”. Photo Cr. Seacia Pavao / Netflix

Rosamund Pike’s celebrated career includes stellar work in Gone Girl and most recently Radioactive. With I Care A Lot the Oscar nominated actress is the power and money hungry Marla Grayson. A court appointed guardian for numerous elderly folk, Marla uses their assets for her own coffers. sharing the spoils with her partner in crime Fran (an equally game Eiza González).


Dianne Wiest is Jennifer Peterson, Marla’s latest mark who is understandably distressed about living in a care facility against her will. Peter Dinklage is a gangster who throws a wrench into Marla’s plans, and Chris Messina is the smug lawyer who believes he has the upper hand on our anti-heroine.

Directed with brio by J Blakeson, I Care A Lot is a must see feature, but the big caveat is that some viewers may be turned off by the sheer unlikablity and sociopathic behavior by almost everyone in this story! We wanted to keep the I Care A Lot conversation going so we recorded a separate audio track for Spoilers!! Once you see I Care A Lot, take a listen as we have our own ending options for the film!!

Find Your Film February 18 Show Breakdown

0:00 – Intro
1:42 – Bruce Purkey watched 11 movies in 5 days!
2:05 – Update on Eric Holmes’ RPG game that will tie into his movie!
4:08 – Bruce watched Evil Dead 2 with his sons during the snow days.
5:05 – Just remember we did a spoiler audio feed discussing I Care A Lot!
5:35 – Details on our Entertainmart giveaway that is spearheaded by Eric Holmes.
11:23 – We are review and all love I Care A Lot
13:15 – “I keep forgetting how much I love Rosamund Pike” – Eric Holmes
16:20 – “It completely appealed to my lizard brain!” – Eric Holmes
18:58 – “It’s deliciously evil” – Bruce Purkey
23:13 – “It’s glorious to watch” – Purkey on I Care A Lot
26:40 – Bruce suggests a double feature of I Care A Lot and Framing Britney Spears.
28:42 – Movie rewind – Bruce loves Onward.
30:00 – Eric Holmes really loves Malcolm & Marie
35:22 – Bruce offers up his take on Malcolm & Marie.
36:22 – Favorite type of Mac & Cheese?
36:51 – Bruce discusses the tip for making Deep Fried Mac & Cheese
38:00 – First recommendation for Bruce is Female Prisoner #701: Scorpion
41:53 – Eric Holmes loves the podcast Andrew Watches Movies and he decided to watch The 40-Year-Old Version based on Andrew Martin’s recommendation.
44:09 – Eric Holmes once won a rap battle!
48:40 – Some worlds of love for Andrew Watches Movies
50:44 – Bruce Purkey recommends Saint Maud (“I compare this movie to Repulsion). Bruce highly recommends the film.
57:55 – Eric Holmes reviews Willy’s Wonderland.
62:40 – Bruce Purkey does a quick recommend of The Rock-afire Explosion.
65:00 – A quick mention of the Joseph H. Lewis feature Invisible Ghost.
65:44 – For What’s in the Box, Bruce Purkey and Eric Holmes offer their take on Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Thank you Angie Clark!!
76:55 – Email [email protected] to add some film suggestions to “What’s In The Box.” The next picks will be A Prophet!!
79:20 – We will cover the Ralph Bakshi films Wizards and Coon Skin for our next Find Your Film Director’s spotlight.
82:32 – I cussed a little bit and yes I have not see Risky Business!

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