Brette Harrington Talks ‘The Alpinist’ And Bond With Marc-Andre Leclerc

The documentary is now playing in theaters via Roadside Attractions.

Climber Brette Harrington developed a lifelong bond with Marc-André Leclerc. His revered solo ascents are the stuff of legend. For our brief interview, Harrington talked about her lifelong bond with Leclerc.
Marc-André Leclerc from THE ALPINIST Photo Credit: Jonathan Griffith Courtesy of Red Bull Media House

Directed by Peter Mortimer and Nick Rosen, The Alpinist centers on the life of 23-year-old Canadian Marc-André Leclerc. Sans rope and any reasonable form of support, Leclerc’s solo ascents captivated and inspired alpinism enthusiasts. Solo climbing is undoubtedly dangerous, and thankfully The Alpinist offers an unvarnished (and engrossing) look at Leclerc’s life.

My interview with Brette Harrington:

We review The Alpinist on the latest episode of Find Your Film podcast:

“Marc and I got along very, very well, and we also kind of developed our adult life together (and our) philosophies.” said Harrington. “Before I met Marc, I was in university and was still figuring out what I wanted to do in life. He was still quite young – he was 19 when we met and I was 20. We formed this way of climbing together that we just learned together. I think that was really important.”

Marc-André Leclerc from THE ALPINIST. Photo Credit: Jonathan Griffithl Courtesy of Red Bull Media House

The Alpinist is now playing in theaters via Roadside Attractions.

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