William Eubank Talks Storytelling Origins of ‘Land of Bad’


William Eubank has carved a successful career as a filmmaker thanks to such singular works as The Signal and Underwater. Eubank expanded his horizons with 2021’s Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin, and he continues to explore different genres with Land of Bad. That said, Land of Bad’s history was actually over a decade in the making!

Land of Bad centers on a rooke officer (Liam Hemsworth) who joins a Delta Force team (Milo Ventimiglia, Ricky Whittle, Luke Hemsworth) on a top secret mission. When their operation goes south, an Air Force drone pilot (Russell Crowe) is tasked with getting these men home in one piece. Check out our review of Land of Band on this week’s CinemAddicts podcast (video version is up on our YouTube Channel):

William Eubank co-wrote Land of Bad during production of The Signal with David Frigerio. Most movies are not made overnight, and eventually the ball got rolling for Land of Bad. “We finally ended up meeting some real JTACS (Joint Terminal Attack Controllers) out of Fort Irwin and we got to go train with them,” said Eubank. “That really pushed us to get this movie made and finally see it come to light.”

CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes described the movie as a cross between Lone Survivor and Eye in the Sky. We both recommend Land of Bad, and would love to hear your thoughts on the film. Check out Eric’s full interview with Eubank:

LAND OF BAD is now playing in theaters.

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