Trailer: Rose McGowan Faces The Supernatural With ‘The Sound’

Anderson and I cover as much as we can on our monthly CinemAddicts jaunts, but there’s a bunch of movies we don’t cover on the program. As a fan of Gregg Araki’s The Doom Generation and Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror, I’m definitely checking out Rose McGowan’s supernatural turn in The Sound. Check out the jump for details.

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The Sound
Christopher Lloyd and Rose McGowan in “The Sound” (Samuel Goldwyn Films).

Kelly (Rose McGowan) is a skeptic who uses low frequency sound waves to debunk paranormal occurrences and reports the findings on her online blog. While attempting to uncover a reported hoax centering on a haunted subway station, she is faced with an evil that challenges her own perceptions of reality. Forced to confront with her own memories,

Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future) is, as seen in the trailer below, a guy who knows his way around this dark and intimidating environment (it’s dubbed the “ghost station”). The feature marks the directing debut of writer/actress Jenna Mattison, and since I’ve spent most of my career in the radio business, The Sound should be right up my alley.

The Sound
Richard Gunn and Rose McGowan in “The Sound.” (Samuel Goldwyn Films)

Leave a comment below and share your thoughts on the trailer and the movie (it hits theaters September 29 via Samuel
Goldwyn Films. I’ll be checking out the flick and will review it closer to the release date, but again I’d love to hear your initial thoughts/reactions on The Sound!!



The Sound
Christopher Lloyd in “The Sound.”

***Anderson and I have already taped our September installment of CinemAddicts, and it should be up on September 1st!!

***Also , if you haven’t seen Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead, it’s a total must-see featuring a ton of memorable performances and top notch writing. Christopher Lloyd is excellent in the flick, check out a NSFW (language) clips from the movie below:

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