Card collecting is not just for the youth or a nostalgic reflection of the past. The Hobby, a documentary directed by Morgan Jon Fox, focuses on the financially volative world of card collecting. One can be making millions of dollars or lose their shirt on a wrong investment (see Logan Paul). Fox talked to Deepest Dream about The Hobby, which is now available on digital platforms and streaming on Documentary+.
Morgan Jon Fox collected cards as a kid back in the 1990s, and then being at “the right place at the right time” led to The Hobby. “I got this gig to direct a documentary about this crazy world of card collecting which I never would have imagined,” said Fox. “It’s always cool when there is some niche thing that you’re involved in, and then suddenly you can get sort of a job in that wolrd. It’s been really exciting.”

Interviewees include Mike Gioseffi (a sports card podcaster), Pokemon collector Gary Haase (aka “King Pokemon”), and former Fanatics head Josh Luber. Shot during 2021-22, The Hobby also updates viewers on the state of the state of trading cards. CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes interviewed Fox and as a former card collector, I’m looking forward to checking out The Hobby. Listen to Holmes’ review on this week’s episode:

Some card collectors are just passionate hobbyists, but it is also a huge investment for many. “We look at all aspects of that world,” said Fox. “We talk to collectors and card shops. We got to card shows (and) we’re behind the scenes at grading companies. Some folks might not even know this was a thing. It’s not just the passion. There are people solely in this for investing purposes.”
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