Nikki Leigh Talks ‘Agent Recon,’ Acting Journey, And Learning Turkish!

Nikki Leigh - Agent Recon - Quiver Distribution

Nikki Leigh stars in filmmaker Derek Ting’s latest feature “Agent Recon.” The project continues the adventures of a super powered being named Jim (Ting) who joins Colonel Green (Marc Singer) to rescue Captain Lila Rupert (Leigh). Chuck Norris co-stars as Alastair, a formidable robot that is an overwhelming fighting machine. Leigh talks about her latest movie and also gives insights on her acting origins.

“I had always wanted to act,” said Nikki Leigh. “I just didn’t know that was really possible. I started with modeling in my life, and from there I got a cameo in a movie. As I was on set and seeing . . . I mean, it was like a multi-million dollar film, so it wasn’t a small budget. Everyone was just running around and having the same goal and being like a family. Then I got in front of the camera for my scene, and then it was over.”

That one scene immediately hooked Leigh and she proceeded to take acting classes, gain more experience, and got herself an agent and a manager. “And now (it’s) just project a project and learning along the way, honestly.”

If you enjoy “Agent Recon,” you may check out some of Leigh’s past movies. One of these movies had Leigh learning Turkish in just a week and a half for the movie “Ay Lav Yu Tuu!”

Check out CinemAddicts host Eric Holmes‘ full interview with Nikki Leigh below. She opens the conversation with how she got cast in “Agent Recon.”

Nikki Leigh interview (audio version):

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“Agent Recon” is available On Demand and Digital starting Friday, June 21.

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