Heather Graham’s been all over the place the past several weeks with the release of Wetlands and Last Rampage: The Escape of Gary Tison. Graham is also in Law & Order True Crime: The Menendez Murders, and during those interviews she talked about her early dreams as an actress. Check out the video below!!
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In the video below, Heather Graham discusses how she initially wanted to be a star but grew to love acting. She mentions Sophie’s Choice, The Godfather, and The Wizard of Oz as early cinematic influences:
Graham does solid work in Last Rampage: The Escape of Gary Tison (I’ll mention it on the next episode of CinemAddicts) – and I still haven’t seen Wetlands or the latest L&O iteration. What are your favorite Graham films (I really loved her work in From Hell and At Any Price)? Feel free to comment below!!

ICYMI – here’s our latest ep of CinemAddicts: