Find Your Film Spotlights First Rate Idris Elba And Caleb McLaughlin Drama ‘Concrete Cowboy’

Filmmaker Jeff Bassin also joins us on the program to discuss his love for the Terrence Malick feature 'Days of Heaven.'

It’s another jam packed episode of Find Your Film, and our featured review is the first rate Netflix feature Concrete Cowboy. Days of Heaven, Slithis, Punishment Park, Nobody and Godzilla vs. Kong are also covered. Listen and watch below!!

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CONCRETE COWBOY – (L-R) Idris Elba as Harp and Caleb McLaughlin as Cole. Cr. Aaron Ricketts / NETFLIX © 2021

Concrete Cowboy centers on Cole (Caleb McLaughlin), a 15-year-old from Detroit who is up to his neck in trouble. Forced by his mom to live in North Philadelphia with his father Harp (Idris Elba), Cole learns a thing or two about responsibility and what it means to be a cowboy in the truest sense.

Take a listen to the latest Find Your Film episode on Libsyn:

Inspired by G. Neri’s novel Ghetto Cowboy, the feature marks the directing debut of co-screenwriter Ricky Staub. Credit goes to the film for keeping the storytelling subtle and nuanced sans heavy handedness or saccharine. McLaughlin, Elba and Jharrel Jerome (he plays Cole’s sneakily ambitious but troubled cousin) are all terrific in the flick. That said, learning about the real life cowboys at the Fletcher Street Stables (several of them act in the film) is the greatest takeaway from Concrete Cowboy.

Take a listen to the latest Find Your Film episode on Spotify:

We also welcome friend and filmmaker Jeff Bassin as he talks to us about his latest DVD purchase Days of Heaven (directed by Terrence Malick). Check out Jeff’s filmmaking and art work on his website (

Bruce Purkey’s recommendations are Nobody and Punishment Park. Eric Holmes picks are Slithis and the acclaimed feature Quo Vadis, Aida.

Check out Jeff Bassin’s work!!

Demo Reel (2020) from Jeff Bassin on Vimeo.

Check out our Find Your Film episode on Apple Podcasts:

Timecode Breakdown of our Find Your Film Episode:

0:40 – Bruce watched The Green Slime (“it’s amazingly awesome” and so bad that it’s good).
1:40 – Eric Holmes rented QUO VADIS, AIDA on Amazon.
2:15 – Friend of the show Jeff Bassin is joining us on this episode! This is part of Eric Holmes’ giveaway work with EntertainMart over in Colorado Springs. To enter this contest, email Holmes at [email protected] (entrants must either like Find Your Film on Facebook and/or leave us a comment on Apple Podcasts!). If you complete both, you get two entries (but all you need to do is complete one of the entries!
7:20 – Bruce saw GODZILLA VS. KONG in theaters and he reviews the movie. Eric, who also checked it out via HBO Max, also offers up his take on the flick.
11:06 – Eric says G vs. K is a “fun popcorn movie.”
12:40 – “It’s pooping character development” – Bruce on G vs. K.
13:55 – “It’s all about perspective, man!” – Eric
14:55 – Jeff Bassin jumps on the show to talk about the Terrence Malick movie Days of Heaven.
17:09 – Jeff shows off his Days of Heaven DVD (obviously this can only be seen on Video, but audio listeners use your imagination!
17:41 – Bassin picked DOH because he hadn’t seen the movie.
19:19 – Props to Jeff Bassin for referencing The Passion of Joan of Arc.
21:24 – Jeff says DOH is one of his favorite Malick movies.
23:25 – Bruce gives his opinions on the film.
24:48 – Eric was surprised that DOH felt more like a dream than a traditional narrative.
30:18 – What’s up with Richard Gere’s hairstyle in DOH?
31:55 – Bruce recommends the Linda Manz feature Out of the Blue.
33:23 – Jeff talks about Invasion of the Body Snatchers which starred in Brooke Adams.
34:01 – Eric’s favorite Malick is Tree of Life.
34:41 – Bruce’s top Malick is Tree of Life but he for rewatchability it’s Badlands.\
35:30 – Jeff’s favorite Malick is Tree of Life but he has watched The Thin Red Line the most.
38:13 – One of Jeff’s all-time favorite movies is Night of the Hunter.
41:54 – You can check out Jeff Bassin’s work at – his Instagram is jeppuri.
46:23 – Jeff’s movie pick for Bruce’s “What’s in the Box” is TROPICAL MALADY.
47:09 – We review CONCRETE COWBOY and discuss our favorite Idris Elba movie!
48:07 – Eric Holmes on The Dark Tower – “it’s a complete mess.” Plus, Eric offers up his review of Concrete Cowboy.
54:15 – Bruce recommends Concrete Cowboy.
59:48 – Brief shout out to the Charlie Sheen/Henry Rollins/Kristy Swanson feature The Chase!
61:20 – Bruce’s first recommendation is NOBODY. He loved this movie and also digs the director’s previous movie HARDCORE HENRY.
70:32 – Eric Holmes reviews the critically acclaimed feature QUO VADIS, AIDA.
78:20 – Bruce’s second recommendation is PUNISHMENT PARK.
83:23 – Eric’s second recommendation is SLITHIS.
93:30 – Bruce, for What’s in the Box, reviews TALK RADIO.
99:24 – Eric Holmes is doing another DVD chain thing, as he will be a sending out a copy of SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES to a listener. 

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Here’s the YouTube version of our Episode:

Lastly, Eric Holmes recommended the new feature Quo Vadis, Aida and Bruce Purkey and I will also chime in on the film for next week’s episode!!

If you purchase/shop by using our Amazon links, email us at [email protected] and tell us what you ordered (if you want). Thanks for supporting our podcast, and we’ll give a shout out to you on our program!!