Evan Oppenheimer’s ‘Peas And Carrots’ Makes World Premiere At Dances With Films

'Peas and Carrots' - Photo courtesy of Evan Oppenheimer

Filmmaker Evan Oppenheimer’s (“A Little Game”) new movie “Peas and Carrots” makes its world premiere tonight at Dances With Films. CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes talked to Oppenheimer about the feature. A healthy portion of the interview has Oppenheimer candidly reflecting on the various challenges he faced during the production. For some filmmaking insights and details on “Peas and Carrots,” check out Oppenheimer’s interview!

Peas and Carrots – Photo courtesy of Evan Oppenheimer

The story centers on Joey Wethersby (Kirrilee Berger), a 16-year-old New Yorker whose parents were a one-hit wonder band back in the 1990s. That fact is not the most surreal part of Joey’s life, as she is able to travel to an alternate reality by saying the words “Peas and Carrots.” The ensemble includes Amy Carlson, Jordan Bridges, Andrew Polk, and Kelly McAndrew.

Although the premise seems to have come out of left field, the project is actually a personal one for filmmaker Evan Oppenheimer. “It’s partially about a family in New York,” said Oppenheimer, whose previous credits include ‘Lost in Florence’ and ‘The Magnificent Meyersons.’ “My life is having a family in New York. So that was a big part of it, just drawing lessons from my own life. And the particular thing that happens to the main character this is more fantastical element, I think that came from the idea of when something dramatic happens in our lives, we envision our lives as being movies. If that’s so, what makes us think of us as think that we are the star of that movie?”

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I had a great time with my niece watching Oppenheimer’s chess film “A Little Game” with my niece, and I’m also looking forward to watching “Peas and Carrots” down the road. If you are in the New York area, “Peas and Carrots” is opening Dances With Films tonight. Let us know your thoughts on the movie if you check it out!

Listen to the audio version of the Evan Oppenheimer interview on CinemAddicts:

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