CinemaAddicts Ep. 94: ‘Avengers: Endgame,’ ‘Family,’ And ‘Little Woods’

Scarlett Johansson and Jeremy Renner in "Avengers: Endgame" (Disney/Marvel).
Episode 94 of CinemAddicts is up, and this month we are releasing two episodes for a valid reason. Avengers: Endgame (which I’m seeing Tuesday morning), Little Woods (Tessa Thompson, Lily James), and Family (Taylor Schilling) are among the films covered! Take a listen below!

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I’ve droned on and on about how much I love Family, an indie comedy starring Taylor Schilling, and in this episode a moment of confusion. Anderson had no idea Insane Clown Posse and juggalos were part of Family, hence the “Who’s on First” vibe of the convo (which starts at the 23:05 mark). Also covered in the episode is my review of Little Woods (13:50), a flick which, though flawed, has an excellent performance from Tessa Thompson (first time feature director Nia DaCosta is also a talent). At the 34:10 mark we discuss Avengers: Endgame and last but not least we talk about JT Leroy (43:00). We’ll be watching JT Leroy this week and give you guys the skinny on the flick.

Anderson Cowan and I have been doing CinemAddicts for over three years (our first two features were Joy and The Revenant!), and now we’ve decided to go the Patreon route. As of this post we have 68 Patreon members, and if we get to 100 (crossing fingers!) then the program will become a two episodes per month deal. We are taping another show this Friday for April’s second episode, and hopefully in a month or two this will be a regular thing.

The two episodes per month goal will be available for all listeners, but Patreon members also get a Bonus episode where we do spoiler discussions/reviews of films we love (April’s Bonus ep. centered on Giant and Touch of Evil). I will also post my own mini stream of consciousness podcast every Friday (mainly it deals with my friendship w/ Anderson, movies I’ve seen or recommend, other random cinema centric stuff) as well as give Patreon members exclusive access to my 1:1 interviews w/ filmmakers and directors. For more info go to and if you have further questions email us at [email protected].

Tessa Thompson in “Little Woods.” (CR: NEON)

Take a listen to Episode 94 of CinemAddicts below and thanks so much for three years of support!!