‘Alienoid: Return To The Future’ Blu-ray Giveaway From Well Go USA Entertainment

'Alienoid: Return to the Future' - Well Go USA

Two Blu-rays of “Alienoid: Return To The Future” are available for this week’s giveaway courtesy of Well Go USA Entertainment. I just finished the film and it was a fitting and entertaining conclusion to “Alienoid.” Giveaway details are below!

‘Alienoid’ – Well Go USA Entertainment

“Alienoid: Return To The Future” is the sequel to “Alienoid,” an epic adventure that focuses on a shaman (Ryu Jun-Yeol), robot (Kim Woo-bin), and a determined woman (Kim Tae-ri) who are fighting to keep the Earth intact. An alien race is bent on taking over Earth, leading to the end of the human race.

The Divine Blade is an all-powerful weapon that can stop these aliens in their tracks, but the search for this blade ends up being a long and dangerous mission.

Although “Alienoid: Return To The Future” spends several minutes recapping “Alienoid’s” events, watching the first installment will help you understand all the intricacies of the sequel. There is a ton of narrative that was laid down in “Alienoid,” and starting off with “Alienoid: Return To The Future” may put viewers a couple of steps behind.

Are you a fan of Choi Dong-hoon’s “Alienoid” films? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!

“Alienoid: Return To The Future” Giveaway Requirements

  1. You only need to complete one of the requirements, but you will receive more entries with each requirement you complete.
  2. Subscribe to our CinemAddicts YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/CinemAddicts
  3. Subscribe to our Deepest Dream YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DeepestDreamDotCom
  4. “Like” our Deepest Dream Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/deepestdream
  5. “Like” our CinemAddicts Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thecinemaddicts
  6. Email me at [email protected] to Confirm your entries.
  7. I will email the Two (2) winners when the giveaway ends Monday, August 5th, 2024 at 5 pm pt.

“Alienoid: Return To The Future” hits Blu-ray and DVD July 30, 2024. It is also available on Digital.

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