On the latest episode of CinemAddicts, I reviewed Liam Neeson’s new feature “Absolution.” Since a healthy share of Neeson’s resume can be deemed as action thrillers, that label might be perfectly suited for this film. If you are looking for a shoot ’em up revenge thriller, you have come to the wrong place. “Absolution” focuses on an entirely different element of storytelling, so you might be disappointed if you are expecting another “Taken.”

“Absolution” centers on a gangster (Liam Neeson) who attempts to reconcile with his daughter (Frankie Shaw) and connect with his grandson (Terrence Pulliam). Yolonda Ross co-stars as the criminals new love interest, and their getting to know you sequences were the narrative’s standout moments. Ross brings a welcome level of depth to her character, and she ends up stealing the show.

Ron Perlman is the crime boss who sends Neeson out on his respective errands, and Daniel Diemer is the boss’ spoiled son who doesn’t respect the gangster’s old school methods.
Though there are a couple of action scenes, “Absolution” focuses heavy on the drama. One subplot deals with the gangster’s valiant attempt to free a sex worker (Deanna Tarraza). Throw that in with the family and new relationshihp dynamic, and you have a ton of melodrama.

I’m in the bag when it comes to Liam Neeson movies, and I didn’t mind that “Absolution” was not an escapist, guilty pleasure action film. Check out my “Absolution” review on YouTube or via CinemAddicts:
My “Absolution” Rating: 3.5/5 ½
“Absolution,” directed by Hans Peter Moland (he worked with Neeson in “Cold Pursuit”), is now out in theaters.
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