Olivia Taylor Dudley & Jason Ralph Discuss Complex Universe of ‘The Magicians’

The Magicians
Olivia Taylor Dudley, Stella Maeve, and Jason Ralph, "The Magicians." (DeepestDream.com Screenshot)
The Magicians doesn’t offer up a cookie cutter version of what a hero or a villain truly is. Rather, it loves to exist in a somewhat moral ambiguous universe, and in the video below Olivia Taylor Dudley and Jason Ralph discuss the refreshingly complex nature of The Magicians.

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The Magicians
THE MAGICIANS — “The Tales of Seven Keys”  — Pictured: Jason Ralph as Quentin Coldwater — (Photo by: Eike Schroter/Syfy)

“It’s a world full of like real complicated characters and one of my favorite things we do on the show is that we blur lines between good and bad and hero and villain. A lot of those things really don’t exist. Even in the real world there are very few kind of like hard lines. People who are only evil. I think most . . . now I’m starting to feel differently about what I’m saying as it’s coming out of my mouth I’m starting to feel the opposite as we have some examples that have been presented to us recently. But I think for the most part what’s exciting is that the show seems to reflect the real world in that way. That reality we live in is mostly gray.” – Jason Ralph

The Magicians - Olivia Taylor Dudley
THE MAGICIANS — “Heroes and Morons” — Pictured: Olivia Taylor Dudley as Alice Quinn — (Photo by: Eike Schroter/Syfy)

“Everybody is a few decisions away from a bad one and changing everything about them. I don’t know. On the show it’s fun to get to play these characters that grow a lot and sometimes they don’t grow in the best ways and it’s fun to explore that. Because I think, like Jason was saying, that’s reflective of what it’s like to be a human.”Olivia Taylor Dudley


Are you a fan of The Magicians (I’m currently stuck on season one but am trying to catch up!)? Feel free to comment below and offer up your thoughts on the program!

The Magicians airs Wednesday evenings on SyFy (9/8c).