THE LONG WALK Interview: Mattie Do Talks Lao Journey And Uncompromising Storytelling Approach


Mattie Do has the distinction of being the first female Laos director, and her features have received worldwide acclaim. Released in 2019, The Long Walk is finally available in the U.S., and this meditatative horror/thriller simply floored me. My Find Your Film mates and myself praised the heck out of the feature, and I’m hoping as many people I know get to see this resonant and unfailingly bracing narrative. Do is also one of my favorite interviewees, as her candid and convivial demeanor instantly won me over. You’re going to love her and this movie, so let’s not waste any more words and get to our talk!

‘The Long Walk’ (Yellow Veil Pictures)

During our interview, Mattie Do talked about her journey from living in the U.S. to making a home in Laos with her husband (The Long Walk screenwriter Christopher Larsen, who makes an appearance at the end of our chat). The feature is now available on Digital and Home Video (Find Your Film co-hosts Bruce Purkey and Eric Holmes have pre-ordered The Blu-ray via Vinegar Syndrome). As of this post, there are only 1,000 copies left in stock so I will purchase mine in a few moments!!

***Here’s our Find Your Film review of The Long Walk (podcast version below as well!)

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The Long Walk centers on an old man (a mesmeric Yannawoutthi Chanthalungsy) who has been traveling down the same desoloate road with a dead woman for the past 50 years. The ghost is one of the old man’s only companions, and his ability to communicate with spirits impedes his own relationship with the living. An immersive exploration of grief and perception, The Long Walk is also gripping to its very core, and I can’t wait to revisit this movie sonner than later.

Director Mattie Do

My fault for promising there would be no more words, but here is my interview with The Long Walk filmmaker Mattie Do. Would love to hear what you think of this movie as well!!

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