Peter Hutchings Talks “Ambitious” Approach To ‘Which Brings Me To You’


Director Peter Hutchings previously worked with Lucy Hale on The Hating Game, and now they are back again for Which Brings Me To You. This time out Nat Wolff joins the party, and although the movie looks like a funny romantic comedy, it brings much more elements to the table. Hutchings talked to Deepest Dream about Which Brings Me To You which is now out in theaters.

Jane (Lucy Hale), a freelance writer, meets photographer Will (Nat Woff) at a wedding. What starts off as a quick (and failed) sexual encounter in a coat closet turns into something more substantial. The two decide to bare their souls to each other over a 24-hour period, recounting their past loves and various heartbreaks.

Nat Wolff as Will and Lucy Hale as Jane in the romantic comedy, WHICH BRINGS ME TO YOU, a DECAL release. Photo courtesy of DECAL Releasing.

The movie does have its share of laughs, but the movie’s strength lies in the intricacy and intimacy of the storyline. The flashback sequences are also strong thanks to solid supporting work. Which Brings Me To You also has its share of eye catching visuals (including a getting to know you scene at an abandoned amusement park).

***Both Eric Holmes and I recommend Which Brings Me To You. Check out our review on CinemAddicts:

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“Part of the movie plays like Richard Linklater’s Before Sunrise series, but then we go into these flashbacks so we’re not just with with the two of them the whole time,” said Peter Hutchings. “And it was ambitious. We’re telling the story of these two characters over ten plus years, and we had 38 locations. We were shooting in 22 days. So we were constantly racing around from the very start.”

Having Hale and Wolff as the leads also was a plus. Hutchings’ experiences with Hale on The Hating Game led to what one assumes is an easy shorthand for Which Brings Me To You. In turn, Hutchings was an assistant on Peace, Love & Misunderstanding, a 2011 feature which marked Wolff’s acting debut.

“(Lucy and Nat are) completely dedicated to finding the truth and the honesty in the moment and in a character,” added Hutchings. “I knew that the two of them together could create some, some fireworks.”

Full interview with Peter Hutchings is below.

Which Brings Me To You is now in theaters.