‘Lights Out’ Interview: Christian Sesma Was “Kid In A Candy Store” Directing “Trippy Fight Movie’


Director Christian Sesma felt like a “kid in a candy store” wi th his latest movie Lights Out thanks to a stellar ensemble (Frank Grillo, Mekhi Phifer, Jaime King, Dermot Mulroney, Scott Adkins). The movie centers on Duffy, a military vet who gets involved with the underground fighting circuit after befriending an ex-con named Max (Phifer). Sesma talked to Deepest Dream about Lights Out, a first rate action movie that hits theaters, Digital and On Demand February 16.

Christian Sesma’s last feature Section 8 was co-written by Chad Law, who is also one of the scribes behind Lights Out. “We had literally wrapped (Section 8) around Christmas time and we had the break,” said Sesma. “(With Lights Out), somehow there was an opening in schedules and the producer (Brandon Burrows) said ‘Let’s go right back into production right away, are you down to do that?”

Mekhil Phifer and Frank Grillo in “Lights Out.” Photo courtesy of Quiver Distribution

“I read the script and thought it was really fun,” said Sesma. “Thought it was an old school throwback (like) Lionheart and Road House, and the challenge for me was how do I make that a current (and character drive) movie. Next thing I know, we were in pre-production. That went really fast and that is something that is rare in this business.”

Both Eric Holmes and I love Lights Out. Check out our review on this week’s CinemAddicts:

Lights Out, co-starring Erica Peeples and Amaury Nolasco, hits theaters, Digital and On Demand February 16.

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