For our latest director spotlight, Find Your Film’s Bruce Purkey picked Joe Dante. Fellow co-host Eric Holmes’ favorite movie is Gremlins, and we cover that film and Matinee on this episode. My interview with Joe Dante is also included at the tail end of the show!
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Eric Holmes’ passion for Joe Dante’s movies knows no bounds, and Bruce Purkey is also an enthusiast of his work. The Burbs, Gremlins, and Matinee are the only movies of his I’ve seen thus far, so I have a long way to go! An episode breakdown of our Find Your Film episode is featured below the Libsyn media player:
Find Your Film Spotlight On Joe Dante
3:20 – Eric Holmes on appreciation of Joe Dante.
4:14 – His movies are aces in my book.
5:00 – Bruce says Gremlins, though it’s Dante’s most well known film, is underappreciated.
6:28 – For some reason, I do an Executive Decision reference in the film.
7:40 – Matinee is covered!
28:23 – Gremlins is discussed!!
29:50 – Harold & Maude is Bruce’s favorite film. Mine is Vertigo. Eric Holmes’ favorite is Vertigo. “It always feels like it’s been a part of me.”
32:04 – Eric discusses the novelization and screenplay of Gremlins. “I like everything about the Gremlins ever.”
33:15 – Holmes on how Gremlins can be remade. He’s seen Gremlins over 100 times.
34:15 – Gizmo turns into Stripe in the original script.
35:23 – “You couldn’t even try to make (Gremlins) boring” – Bruce Purkey
38:23 – I was surprised by the violence in Gremlins!
40:15 – We talk about the Phoebe Cates monologue in Gremlins!
42:00 – Corey Feldman’s first sex scene was in Gremlins, claims Eric Holmes. Wtf????43:20 – Bruce Purkey quizzes Eric Holmes on his Gremlins knowledge.
47:00 – We talk about Dante’s upcoming movie The Man With Kaleidoscope Eyes
49:00 – Bruce Purkey talks about the film The Trip (it’s streaming on Amazon Prime Video).
51:40 – Eric Holmes gives more Joe Dante recommendations – Hollywood Boulevard.
53:23 – Bruce recommends The Burbs, which was covered on a past episode of Find Your Film. He also picks The Howling as another Dante film worth watching.
54:30 – Each of us talk about what makes Joe Dante a unique filmmaker.
57:58 – Eric Holmes teases the subject of our next Director’s spotlight – Ida Lupino!
59:33 – My Interview w/ Joe Dante

Did I mention that Gremlins is Eric Holmes’ all-time favorite film????