Exclusive: Michael David Lynch Talks ‘Victor Walk’ & ‘Dependent’s Day’



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Some would call it ingenuity and others may deem it as necessity, but I’m assuming Michael David Lynch has taken from both worlds as a director/producer/editor. Diversity is a plus with indie filmmaking, and Lynch showcases his versatility with his documentary Victor Walk and the romantic comedy Dependent’s Day. Both features are spotlighted on the Dances With Films Festival.


Victor Walk centers on NHL legend Theo Fleury’s 10 day journey (by foot, no less) from Toronto to Ottawa. His mission wasn’t borne out of some publicity stunt, as his continuing mission is to shed a spotlight on child sexual abuse. During the doc, we follow Fleury’s oftentimes heartbreaking and evocative exchanges with the people he meets along his path.

“I’m a Michigan boy and I’m a hockey player, so I’ve got a lot of energy” says Lynch. “And I’m pretty hyperactive, so it was actually fun to bounce back and forth between projects. Especially because they’re so different.”

I checked out Dependent’s Day several months back, and this romantic comedy has a ton of wit and really pushed the envelope. The story centers on a well meaning but lazy dude named Cam (Joe Burke) who is blessed with an industrious and responsible girlfriend (Benita Robledo) who also has a solid career. Burke and Robledo have a natural chemistry – and Burke has a natural facility for comedy (both actors are also very likable).

Dependent’s Day Festival Trailer 2016 from Michael Lynch on Vimeo.

Dependent’s Day screens Sunday, June 12 at the Dances With Films Festival. For more info, check out the movie’s official Facebook Page.

****Last but definitely not least, below is my full interview with Michael David Lynch, as he talked about his life changing journey with Victor Walk. We also touched a bit on Dependent’s Day and his his love for filmmaking: