Arielle Kebbel Explores The “Beautiful Concept” Behind “Midnight, Texas”

Midnight, Texas
COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL: SAN DIEGO 2017 -- "'Midnight, Texas' Panel" -- Pictured: (l-r) David Janollari, Executive Producer; Yul Vazquez, Sarah Ramos, Francois Arnaud, Monica Owusu-Breen, Executive Producer; Parisa Fitz-Henley, Peter Mensah, Jason Lewis, Charlaine Harris, Author of the "Midnight Trilogy"; Arielle Kebbel, Dylan Bruce at the San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Calif. -- (Photo by: Mark Davis/NBC)
Monday marks the debut of Midnight, Texas and the series definitely has the support of author Charlaine Harris (True Blood), who said she trusted the integrity of the people behind the ambitious project. We interviewed series stars Arielle Kebbel and Peter Mensah earlier this year, and they gave us a lowdown on the awesome “weird” factor behind Midnight, Texas.

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Midnight, Texas
COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL: SAN DIEGO 2017 — “‘Midnight, Texas’ Press Room” — Pictured: (l-r) Peter Mensah, Arielle Kebbel at the Hilton Bayfront, San Diego, Calif. — (Photo by: Mark Davis/NBC)

The plotline centers on Manfred (Francois Arnaud), a psychic who moves to the small town of Midnight for a bit of tranquility. His journey into a seemingly placid environment leads to the discovery of more people with supernatural powers. Whether it’s a guy with wings (Jason Lewis) or a vampire (Peter Mensah), diversity reigns supreme in Midnight.

“Midnight is the place where outsiders can feel at home,” said Mensah. “That’s probably the most appealing thing  – no one is too weird. In fact, the weirder you are the more welcome you probably will be.”

Arielle Kebbel (Ballers) co-stars as Olivia, a no-nonsense hitwoman who might be the most dangerous individual in Midnight (or at least the most kick-ass). Check out the video below as Kebbel talks about the unique flavor and “beautiful concept” behind Midnight, Texas:

Midnight, Texas debuts Monday, July 24 at 10/9c.

Olivia’s closet. Home away from home. ? @comic_con @nbcmidnighttexas

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