Trailer: Justin Chon And Alicia Vikander Fight For Their Family In ‘Blue Bayou’

Cannes Film Festival selected feature hits theaters on September 17.

(L to R) Sydney Kowalske as "Jessie", Justin Chon as "Antonio" and Alicia Vikander as "Kathy" in BLUE BAYOU, a Focus Features release. Credit : Focus Features
Filmmaker Justin Chon’s passion for spotlighting diverse Asian American stories (Gook, Ms. Purple) continues with Blue Bayou. Chon, who also penned the narrative, plays a Korean adoptee whose life with his wife Kathy (Alicia Vikander) and stepdaughter (Sydney Kowalske) is threatened by his possible deporation. Blue Bayou is an official selection of the 2021 Cannes Film Festival.

Antonio LeBlanc (Justin Chon) was three when his American journey began, and one would assume the Louisiana bayou flows through his blood. His small town ties run deep thanks to his wife Kathy (Alicia Vikander) and stepdaughter (Sydney Kowalske). But deportation is just around the corner, and Antonio must figure out how to keep his family together.

The Los Angeles set Gook was an emotional power keg of a story, and Ms. Purple’s naturalistic approach was just as effective. Both films dealt with weighty social issues sans a heavy handed touch, so that should bode well for Blue Bayou.

(L to R) Actor Alicia Vikander, actor Sydney Kowalske and actor/writer/director Justin Chon on the set of BLUE BAYOU, a Focus Features release. Credit : Focus Features

Vikander is the biggest star to work in Chon’s indie features, and it will be interesting to see how he works with what one would assume is a slightly bigger budget.

I’m an igoramus when it comes to music, and I often use trailers to deepen my Spotify playlist. “In Fantasia” from Kishi Bashi is a standout element to the trailer, and I’ve had Bashi’s music on rotation the past hour.

Blue Bayou hits theaters September 17. Feel free to comment if you are a fan of Chon’s work as an actor (Seoul Searching, Twilight films) and director!

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