Karen Gillan Loves Connecting With Marvel Fans: “It’s Just The Best Part Of The Job”

Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..L to R: Nebula (Karen Gillan) and War Machine/James Rhodey (Don Cheadle)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
Nebula’s (Karen Gillan) journey in the Marvel Cinematic Universe started off as a vengeful one (Guardians of the Galaxy), but it’s been great to see her gradually become part of a team framework. Her begrudging and unyielding nature makes her one of my favorite Marvel characters, and during the Avengers: Endgame global premiere Gillan talked about the best part of her Marvel experience.

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Avengers: Endgame hits theaters April 26, and for Karen Gillan the best aspect of her experience lies in seeing the reaction to the finished film. “It’s just the best part of the job, in all honesty” said Gillan. “To make these movies these movies is really fun but then to be able to give them to the fans who are so passionate about everything that you’re doing, that’s what makes it really cool. So all we want to do is deliver for the fans and that is the driving force behind all of this.”

Click on the media bar to hear Gillan talk about the “unexpected” and “satisfying” nature of Avengers: Endgame:

Do you think Nebula will survive Avengers: Endgame after the superheroes’ all-consuming battle with Thanos (Josh Brolin)? Is she one of your favorite MCU characters? Feel free to comment below!