CinemAddicts Interview: Kali ‘K.O.’ Reis And Josef Kubota Wladyka Talk ‘Catch The Fair One’ Collaboration


On the latest episode of CinemAddicts I interviewed Catch The Fair One actress Kali ‘K.O’ Reis and director Josef Kubota Wladyka. It’s a first rate film that debuts in theaters and On Demand today. Take a listen below!

CATCH THE FAIR ONE – Kali ‘K.O’ Reis (IFC Films)

Catch The Fair One centers on Kaylee (Kali ‘K.O.’ Reis), a former boxer who becomes part of a sex trafficking ring to find her younger sister. Though the odds are seemingly insurmountable, Kaylee will do whatever it takes to complete her dangerous mission.

CATCH THE FAIR ONE – Kali ‘K.O.’ Reis (IFC Films)

During the interview, director Josef Kubota Wladyka cited that Catch The Fair One was a five-year journey, and a big part of this movie’s success lies in his close knigt collaboration with Reis. A successful boxer in real life, Reis proves she is also a natural actor with the feature, and hopefully their partnership will continue for more movies.

Kali ‘K.O.’ Reis talks about “fighting with a purpose”:

Full Video Interview is below:

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Reis and Wladyka also discuss the ending of Catch The Fair One, and I am joined by Find Your Film hosts Bruce Purkey and Eric Holmes for a spoiler talk of the film. This feature is available for our CinemAddicts Patreon members.

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Catch The Fair One is now in theaters and On Demand. You can support our podcasts (Find Your Film, CinemAddicts) by renting/purchasing the movie via Amazon (we receive a commission).

The audio interview with Reis and Wladyka starts at the 19:05 mark:

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Here’s our Find Your Film review of Catch The Fair One: