Chandler Henry Talks ‘Journey To The UFC’ And “Resilience” Of Joe Pyfer


Chandler Henry directs Journey to the UFC, a sports documentary that spotlights rising UFC star Joe Pyfer. The project had its premiere earlier this month, and a distribution/release date is just around the corner. Henry talked to CinemAddicts co-host Eric Holmes about Journey to the UFC.

Joe Pyfer, Middleweight UFC Fighter, Laura Sanko, MC and host of the Q&A, UFC Personality and Chandler Henry, Director. Journey to the UFC  Premiere Screening on Thursday, May 4th, 2023 at Dream Live in East Rutherford, New Jersey

Journey to the UFC’s origins actually started from Chandler Henry’s friendship with Joe Pyfer. They became instant friends back in high school, and years later Journey to the UFC simply came together.

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“It reminded me immediately of a Rocky movie or a superhero movie,” said Henry. “A superhero origin story where someone’s skill set that they have developed comes from such pain. And it really powers them to go forward and be a better person and triumph over their issues.”

Check out Eric’s full interview with director Chandler Henry, who cites Joe Pyfer’s “resilience” as one of the many elements that make Journey to the UFC a unique documentary.

We review Outpost, Sanctuary, and Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai on the latest CinemAddicts episode:

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