Big Brother Finale: Who Won Season 18?


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When we last left off on Big Brother, Paul had just won the Head of Household, and with only three players left, he essentially held all the power in the house deciding how things would play out moving forward. He could either side with the remaining showmance — Corey and Nicole — and evict James or pick off one of the couple. In the end, Corey ended up packing his bags and walking out the door.

That left the two vets — James and Nicole — alongside Paul as the final three. As with most seasons, a series of competitions would lead to one final HoH getting to select who went to the finals with them. First up was an endurance competition in which all three raced around the backyard in cat uniforms before taking their spot and being forced to “hang in there.” Nicole was the first to drop, with James right behind her, meaning Paul advanced to the third competition.

The second competition found James and Nicole squaring off having to run through an amusement park setting recalling some of the events of the game so far and taking a photo that perfectly captured the answer. It wasn’t even close as James struggled early while Nicole kicked ass, thus getting the chance to take on Paul for the final HoH.

The final competition is a series of questions about the jurors. After the fourth question, Paul takes the lead. On the sixth question, he advances his lead, but loses the next question to Nicole leaving room for some suspense. But in the end Paul moves forward with the chance to pick who he wants to join him in the final two. His choice is Nicole, leaving James to miss out on the finals for the second straight year.

As the votes are counted, it’s a close one. Zakiyah, Paul, Natalie and Corey were in Nicole’s corner. Bridgette, Michelle (no surprise there), Victor and James all sided with Paul. That left the final vote in  Da’Vonne‘s hands, and though Nicole played a key role in her eviction, she recognized her game play and ultimately rewarded her with the victory.


Meanwhile, the “Comeback Kid” Victor ended up taking home the prize as “America’s Favorite Player.” And thus, another season of Big Brother has come to an end.