Vertical Nabs North American Rights To Kate Bosworth Starrer ‘Last Sentinel’


Vertical has acquired the North American rights to the sci-fi thriller Last Sentinel. Directed by Oscar nomninee Tanel Toom, the feature is headlined by Kate Bosworth. Recently seen in The Locksmith, Bosworth’s credits include The Enforcer, Along for the Ride, and Superman Returns.

Last Sentinel centers on a crew of soldiers (Kate Bosworth, Thomas Kretschmann, Lucien Laviscount, Martin McCann) who are trying to defend their homeland from an enemy they have never seen.

The soldiers’ tour of duty ended three months ago, but there is no relief in sight and a vast ocean separates them and their home. Only two continents remain thanks to the ravages of climate change. When a mysterious boat comes within their environment, this may be the help that they need. Or maybe something sinister is lurking in the distance, waiting to pick these individuals off one by one.

Vertical will release the feature in theaters and VOD on March 24.

Let us know if you will check this Bosworth headlined sci-fi thriller out!

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