The documentary Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields displays the rapid rise of Brooke Shields as a child actress. The project's moniker, "Pretty Baby," is taken...
Supercell centers on William Brody (Daniel Diemer), a teenager who strives to learn more about his late father. William's mom (Anne Heche) is against...
Hitting theaters Friday and Digital/On Demand March 21, Wildflower is a coming-of-age film that is inspired by filmmaker Matt Smukler's family. Smukler's niece Christina...
Carlos Miranda stars with his Station 19 co-star Jaina Lee Ortiz in Righteous Thieves. The heist thriller, which co-stars Lisa Vidal and Cam Gigandet,...
Now out in theaters, digital and On Demand, Transfusion centers on an ex-special forces operative (Sam Worthington) who reconnects with a military colleague (Matt...
Russell Crowe battles evil incarnate in the supernatural horror thriller The Pope's Exorcist, and Sony Pictures has just released a new featurette. Directed by...
Adult Swim's #1 prehistoric series is headed to home entertainment this spring. Genndy Tartakovsky's Primal: The Complete Second Season hits Blu-ray and DVD on...