Fans of director Steven Kostanski ("PG: Psycho Goreman") will definintely be on the hook for "Frankie Freako," an absurdist horror comedy that features a...
Elizabeth Banks stars in the new thriller "Skincare," playing a Hollywood based aesthetician who sees her career crumble after a rival facialist (Luis Gerardo...
Want to know more about celebrated musician Dave Stewart's life? His musical feature "Ebony McQueen," directed by Shekhar Kapur, starts production in 2025 via...
I just received one (1) Digital Code for "Twisters" courtesy of Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. The movie, headlined by Daisy Edgar-Jones and Glen Powell,...
Director/writer Kelly Blatz's ("Senior Love Triangle") latest partly grew from his own love for motorcycles. "One Fast Move," however, is not just a story...
Casey Affleck and Matt Damon are close friends whose work together includes "Gerry," "Good Will Hunting" and the "Ocean's Eleven" films. Affleck co-wrote "The...