Peter Dinklage and Shirley MacLaine deliver memorable performances in director Paul Dektor's debut feature American Dreamer. The story centers on Phil (Dinklage), a frustrated...
Sound of Freedom filmmaker Alejandro Monteverde has another first rate movie in the book as Cabrini opens nationwide Friday via Angel Studios. The movie...
Now out in theaters and VOD, Amelia's Children is a horror-thriller directed with a confident flourish from filmmaker Gabriel Abrantes. The Diamantino director injects...
Scrambled, a comedy directed and starring Leah McKendrick (based on her story), hits Video On Demand and Electronic Sell-Through March 1. McKendrick also penned...
Filmmaking brothers Ian and Eshom Nelms have proven with Fatman and Small Town Crime that nuanced storytelling is part of their aesthetic. Though Jonathan...