Filmmaker Catherine Breillat ("Fat Girl," "The Last Mistress") is known for pushing the envelope. That aesthetic continues with "Last Summer," a family drama/thriller about...
"Forrest Gump" director (Robert Zemickis), writer (Eric Roth), and stars (Tom Hanks, Robin Wright) reunite for the upcoming Sony Pictures feature "Here." The fifth...
"Caligula," starring Malcolm McDowell and Helen Mirren, is a cult classic and now the film should receive deeper appreciation with "Caligula: The Ultimate Cut."...
Sasha Luss, best known for her work in Luc Besson's actioner "Anna," toplines the new Lionsgate thriller "Latency." The project is the feature debut...
The trailer to "Heretic," a new psychological horror starring Hugh Grant, has just debuted. Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East play young missionaries who test...
Heather Graham, an arguably underrated actress, headlines the upcoming Western "Place of Bones." Directed by Audrey Cummings and penned by Richard Taylor, this feature...